Writing’s on the Wall: An Open Mic on Artistic Practice
Writing’s on the Wall: An Open Mic on Artistic Practice
May 10, 2025
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM PDT
Event Description:
Local poets are invited to read their original poems in the galleries as a closing celebration for the end of the exhibition MoNA Ceramic Invitational 2025: Build Me Up, Tear Me Down, Why Don’t You Love Me Babe Like There’s No One Around? on the theme of artistic practice. This event will be MC’ed by painter and poet Duane Kirby Jensen, the host of Everett Poetry Night. Poets are encouraged to explore the exhibitions as inspiration for their ekphrastic poetry and to sign up in advance to read up to five minutes of original writing. The reading order of poets will be assigned in chronological order based on when people sign up using the form below. Once the first 20 spots are filled, additional poets may read depending on if there is time. If you sign up to read your email will be shared with MC Duane Kirby Jensen. This event is part of The Writing’s on the Wall: Poetry at MoNA, in which MoNA partners with a range of poets and organizations to bring poetry into the museum through readings, open mic events and writing workshops. RSVP online at: www.monamuseum.org/events/poetry-may10