Skagit County Pioneer Picnic

The 109th Annual Skagit County Pioneer Association Picnic and Meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 1st at Pioneer Park, near the Rainbow Bridge in La Conner. Admission: $12 which includes Barbecued Salmon lunch and membership in the Pioneer Association. Lunch served promptly at 11:15. The Business Meeting of the Association will be called to order by President Jeanne Youngquist at 12:45 p.m. and will include an invocation, flag salute, and group singing. A memorial tribute will be offered for departed Pioneers. Special Honorees will include the Summers Family of Fir Island as Pioneer Family of the Year, and Bill Mitchell of Anacortes as person contributing to the Pioneer Spirit.
The Skagit County Historical Society and Museum will have tables with historical publications related to local Skagit County history.
Your picnic ribbon will provide free admission to the Historical Museum the day of the picnic. Come see our special exhibit “History of the Pioneer Picnic” celebrating the wonderful history of the Pioneer Association and the picnic. Our Featured exhibit “Shall We Gather: Centennial Churches of Skagit County” runs through August 4th.