Christianson's Nursery: Small Conifers for Small Gardens
Christianson's Nursery: Small Conifers for Small Gardens
September 21, 2013
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

Event Description:
“Robert Fincham is often regarded as the ultimate authority on dwarf conifers in America” – that’s a comment you’ll hear in the world of alpine and rock gardening. On Saturday, September 21, Bob will be at Christianson’s Nursery to talk about his collections and give tips for successful gardening with small conifers. He studied at the side of conifer experts nationwide, owned Mitsch Nursery in Aurora, Oregon, and with his wife, Dianne, has owned and operated Coenosium Gardens since 1979, which now consists of a display collection and conifer nursery near Eatonville in Pierce County. He will have available for purchase his self-published book, “Small Conifers for Small Gardens.” Recently retired as a high-school science teacher, Bob is dedicated to education and the sharing of his enthusiasm for conifers.