Skagit Valley Art Escape
Skagit Valley Art Escape
August 2, 2013 - August 3, 2013

Event Description:
Skagit Valley Art Escape invites you to spend the weekend experiencing free art activities in the Skagit Valley communities of Anacortes, Edison, and La Conner, Enjoy gallery art walks, music performances and artist demonstrations.
6:30pm - Lori Goldston - Hypnotizing solo cello improvisations with inspiration ranging from "early music" to drone metal, to watch Seattle's Goldston perform is to witness an act of nature as much as listen to actual music.
Hosted by Museum of Northwest Art and playing in Gilkey Square, weather permitting (inside MoNA if inclement weather).
6:30pm - Lori Goldston - Hypnotizing solo cello improvisations with inspiration ranging from "early music" to drone metal, to watch Seattle's Goldston perform is to witness an act of nature as much as listen to actual music.
Hosted by Museum of Northwest Art and playing in Gilkey Square, weather permitting (inside MoNA if inclement weather).